Les Projets Ounjougou > Ounjougou > Dogon Country – Mali > Archaeology > Human occupation of the Guringin Valley

Human occupation of the Guringin Valley

Archaeological sites in the Guringin Valley

Archaeological sites in the Guringin Valley

Located on the Séno Plain in the Dogon Country in Mali, the Guringin Valley is one of four major valleys at the foot of the Bandiagara Escarpment. Research undertaken in this valley and on the plateau revealed the presence of many archaeological sites identified as settlements and metallurgical production zones.

Surface artifacts and those recovered during test excavations at one of the sites include ceramics, iron objects, slag, lithic artifacts, beads and bones.

Several radiocarbon dates from the excavation at Diabeli Peul IV indicate that the valley was occupied from the 5th mill.  BC. The maximal occupation phase is the most recent and took place near the end of the 1st mill. AD, as shown by the chronocultural sequence at the site of Sadia.

Although this study could not be concluded due to the geopolitical situation preventing further research in Mali, it has shown the high archaeological potential of this little known part of the Dogon Country.

Serge Loukou